Friday 2 August 2013


Lecture 10 (Week 9)

Today lecture class goes on as normal, madam come to the class and start the lecture 10 with the topic Knowledge Management System. From the beginning of the class, we discuss about what is a system. Basically the system is a step that have input, process, and output. Besides that, we also discuss about the system characteristics and study about how the system runs in the steps showed.

Figure 1: General characteristic of a system

The knowledge management system refers as technology basic, and the facilities is knowledge interactions, distribution, retrieval and retention. The knowledge also influence users’ acceptance of the knowledge management philosophy. For example: Complex-to-use system.

Figure 2: Complex-to-use system

The Knowledge system technologies supporting technologies in four areas of activity which is business process management, content management, web content management and knowledge applications management.

Figure 3: Business Process Management

Figure 4: Content Management System

Figure 5: Web Content Management System

Figure 6: Knowledge Application Management

The knowledge management system software include with decision support system, DSS applications, group decision support system, executive support systems, performance support systems, workflow management system, petri net for university application and customer relationship management system. Moreover, KMS development have seven stages which is justify, identify, clarify, evaluate, select, implement and evaluate. 

There is only 1 or 2 more chapters left for Introduction Knowledge Management this semester, this will be our last post after we have been writing it every week since week 2. It is a great experience to learn how to write a blog, we can share details and process how the class goes on by blogging. And also thank you madam Siti for guiding us throughout the semester. Hope there's some tips for final :P

That is all for our blog this semester. Thank you.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Tutorial 8

Tutorial 8 (Week 9)

Today tutorial same as usual, from the beginning of the tutorial class we discuss about the tutorial question on tutorial 8. Right after that, madam discuss the midterm test question with us. Ma'am dismiss the class after the discussion is finished.

Monday 29 July 2013

Tutorial 6

Tutorial 6 (Week 8)

Today tutorial class continue as usual, madam discuss the tutorial question with us. One thing she emphasize during the class that we will have and need to keep thinking and thinking in order to find out the most suitable answers. Memorizing is not helping, it uses common sense sometime.

After that, we got very surprise because madam grants us another chance to improve the midterm result by giving supplementary paper. Actually it is not a supp paper, it should be an "improving result's paper". Ma'am told us the final marks for midterm will be obtained from these 2 papers, depend on which is the highest of these 2.

Similar like previous one, we are allow to refer to book, refer online or whatever source we have to guide us to answer the paper. Questions this time is actually from lecturer 6 instead of case study. This is better to score because we can find answers from the notes. We provide a very long answer for a few questions that we do not even know what it is because way too much. lol. One least of perfection which is, midterm mark will not increase yet it is choosing the best among these 2 papers. Feeling sad. haha

Ma'am is so effective on her works, the marks release in the evening and we manage to have a look on it. Not really happy because it only improve a little bit yet most of them can score well. Perhaps I have problem answering the questions. That is the final decision made on midterm, no more improvement or supp. 

Friday 26 July 2013



Lecture 8/Lecture 9 (Week 8)

Today lecture class goes on as always but a little bit special. Ma'am conduct 2 chapters in today's lecture. The topics are The Learning organization and Knowledge Management tools which is lecture 08 and 09. She says that this is because there will be no class during the week after raya, so we will have to go through it first.

Ma'am discuss with us how a knowledge worker learns in a organization environment and what the individual learning style that will happen on each worker. After that, we also discuss what are the perspective of learning approaches will happen on the organisational and individual. From the organisation knowledge the knowledge workers may own many type of organizational knowledge which is know what, know who, know how , know why, know where , know when and know if. Besides, the organisational learning also conduct with 4 types of learning phases, consists of knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information interpretation and organisational memory those learning phase are come from Huber, 1991. Then we talk about organisational learning & learning organization. A few diagram and table below showing what are the learning organization all about.

Figure 1: The Individual Styles

Figure 2: The Organizational Learning and KM

Figure 3: The Organizational Learning & Learning Organization

Without wasting time, we proceed to the next chapter Knowledge Management Tools(Chapter 9) immediately. In this chapter, there are many KM management tools that will help some people to manage their knowledge. First, we talk about the Capturing knowledge cognitive mapping tools, information retrieval tools, search engine, agent technology and personalisation tools. After that, we study how to use the Email, Text-Based conferencing, Expertise Yellow Pages, Computer-based training/ e- learning, security, web 2.0, Blog, Wikis, Online social network 3-D virtual worlds and Groupware tools to share the knowledge. Lastlt, in this chapter it also has a few tools to evaluate knowledge, storing knowledge and presenting knowledge which is data mining, OLAP, Data Warehouse and Visualization. Below are some picture of the knowledge tools.

Figure 4: Cognitive Mapping Tools 

 Figure 5: Information Retrieval Tools

Figure 5: The 3-D Virtual Worlds

Figure 6: Groupware Tools

Before we end lecture 09, ma'am once again giving us hint that things that might be cover in final exam including what is the difference between wiki and group ware tools? Seems to be uneasy. Gonna really study hard due to unsatisfy and bad results we go in midterm.

One last thing that she ask is among the students who will be taking Enterprise resource planning and Information system audit these two subjects next semester. Faculty is considering to offer next semester although it is not in the normal course structure but priority to register is, you are final year and final sem student which is going to graduate after this. My friend actually need it so badly in order to graduate early without wasting time else he will force to take semester leave, it will be 4 months time wasting. Hope everything goes smoothly. End of lecture.

Friday 19 July 2013

Knowledge Management (Organizational Culture)
Lecture 7 (Week 7)

This week lecture was a quite interesting class for us. In this topic cover how an organizational's culture affect the management of their knowledge. In the beginning, Mrs.Siti shared one of his childhood's stories with us "Shin Chan". I bet all of u sure heard it before. This story talk about Shin Chan asked his father for taking the last train every after his work. For Japan culture, every man that working out there should't return home early for proving they are be reused by the particular company. Besides, for Saudi Arabia woman's culture they can't alone for window shopping or whatever activities that leave their home. Relatively unfair for the woman.
On top of that, Mrs.Siti showed us few video related to organizational culture like working environment in Microsoft, and Google. The most attracting one is Google. Below is the link for Google.

After watch on the video, is google working environment attracting for u as well? :) Hard to believe that those facilities could exist in one organization. Wish to interview Google after watched it.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Midterm Exam

Midterm Exam (Week 7)

There is no tutorial class on week 7 instead we have a midterm exam on that day. Many of us can't really score well yet there is one among the student who got full marks. Wondering how does he answer all the questions perfectly.

Midterm format is basically a case study. We need to define a few things after we have read through it including date, information, tacit and explicit knowledge of the case, models it use etc.

Used up almost 15 minutes to understand the case and it results in lack of time to complete. Hope mark of the paper is not that low. 

Monday 15 July 2013

Knowledge Acquisition & Application
Lecture 6 (Week 6)

As usual, this week we having lecture 6 that talk about Knowledge Acquisition & Application. Basically, this is all about how user and task modeling approaches help promote knowledge use at the individual, group, and organization level and how the individual and organizational learning link to each other.
Firstly, we went to individual  level of knowledge application based on four dimensions of personality type. Interest, Perception, Judgement, and Environment.




Overall type of personality

Secondly, we came to organizational level of knowledge application. In this case, we separate it to two category, small and large organization. Small organization focus more on knowledge acquisition, because with few employee and limited resources, there are few obstacles to reusing and sharing among others. While large organization have difficulty finding and reusing the knowledge due to hard determination of the knowledge exist within the organization.

There are three major roles:
Knowledge Producer - Person who produced knowledge or object
Knowledge Intermediary - Prepares knowledge for reuse by indexing, packaging, marketing.
Knowledge Reuser - Retrieves, understands and applies knowledge.

Lastly, there are one last important role in organization, Knowledge Repository. Knowledge repository should contain valuable content that is mix of tacit and explicit knowledge. They are the core knowledge and link between users, organisational and external sources. With the search service provided, this might direct user to easy enabling sources such as people, organizational units, web sites, policies etc.
Knowledge repositories are most effective if they are structured in a systematic manner as a knowledge repository should be a one-stop shop for knowledge application.